Medical Systems for Industry
(631) 804-
Tyvek Lidding Printer System
Large Tyvek Pouch Printing
Ink Jet, Thermal Transfer printers
Printer can be ink jet, laser or thermo-
Code Reader to read printed bar codes.
Tyvek Die-
Floor based system will hopper feed large medical packaging. Flat items like Tyvek
pouches, die cut lids, lidstocks, flat boxes, etc. System can be integrated with
any in-
Prints directly on Tyvek pouches, medical grade paper pouches and Tyvek lidding.
The machine feeds pouches (or Tyvek lidding) from a magazine, and utilizing a laser,
ink jet or thermal transfer -
Printing directly on the pouch or lid reduces labor costs for applying labels, as
well as the cost of the label. It also maintains the breath-
Contact us for pricing and specifications